Monday, January 5, 2015

Horizon: Prologue

Lionblaze woke up with a shining light in his face that burned as the sun rose. He began to stretch and then he jumped as a yowl of pain came from the nursery. He ran out What is going on out there? He ran over then stopped when Jayfeather was coming over and look like something was happening urgent that he needed to know.
“Where have you been? Cinderheart is giving birth to your kits!” Lionblaze felt a surge of joy and ran to the nursery wall with Jayfeather.
“Stay out here while she’s kitting,  then I will tell you when to come in.
He was pacing outside the nursery while he heard more yowls of pain. Bramblestar came down from the highrock and came over to him.
“What’s going on?” A small ginger and white she-kit ran out of the nursery with her siblings.
“Cinderheart is giving birth to her kits!” the she-cat squeaked. He remembered five moons ago Squirrelflight gave birth to  three kits, the orange tabby with white and green eyes was Willowkit, the gray tom with darker spots and blue eyes was Ashkit, and a dark gray tom with lighter flecks with blue eyes was Sharpkit. Squirrelflight came out of the nursery and swung her tail over her kits and pulled them close when all of the other warriors came rushing over.

“Lionblaze! You can come in.” Jayfeather whispered softer than a feather as it hits the floor. His eyes glowed in gratitude as he stepped inside the nursery. He saw Cinderheart, a gray tabby she cat that was his mate, curled up with three small kits close to her belly. He slowly padded over to her and licked her ears gently.
“I’ve thought of some names for them…” She said with tiredness and pride for their kits clouding her voice. She swept her tail to a sturdy black tom that was the biggest of all of them.
“That one will be, Shadowkit, and the the brown tabby will be, Mudkit should pick your daughter’s name.” She moved her tail to a scarlet colored kit with white toes and her back paws white up to her ankles, belly, tail tip, and her left ear white. She had a pink nose and she was the smallest out of all of his kits. And she had a soft big bushy tail just like Squirrelflight’s. Lionblaze looked confused. How could a kit have scarlet fur? He reached down to lick the tiny kit and said,
“She looks sweet like a rose. I think we should name her Rosekit.”
“That’s perfect.” Cinderheart looked up and said with happiness.
“I already know that they are going to be the best warriors in ThunderClan and good hunters just like their father.”

Jayfeather curled up in his nest and thought to himself, When will I have an apprentice? He fell asleep with the thought of having one. Then, A vision. The forest was pictured in his head with blood running down it with the shining green trees. A voice that seemed familiar said, “Fur like blood and eyes clear green as the forest will have the power of any cat beyond her levels. But, it must be found out for then they will seek three multiple things.” Jayfeather woke up startled. He looked at his paws and blinked.
“Fur like blood, then eyes green as the forest, three things that will make her incredible.” Rosekit of course! She had scarlet fur! But to be sure he had to wait until she opened her eyes. It’s better to be safe then sorry Jayfeather thought. He raced out of the medicine den and went straight to the nursery. He peered his head inside to scent the milky scent of what was now, Cinderheart.
He scented Cinderheart feeding one of her kits. He breathed in Rosekit’s sweet scent and heard her curl up in a tiny ball with her bushy tail covering her head next to her mother. That’s her! He raced out of the den and headed for Bramblestar’ s den. He padded in until he got to the ledge and stopped.
“Bramblestar? There is something we need to talk about and it’s important.”

Lionblaze woke up. He felt tired and hurt. He stood up to see where he was last. He looked over to see Cinderheart and he saw his mate sleeping with his kits. His chest filled up with pride as he looked at his beautiful kits. Mudkit was sleeping on his back with his little paws in the air, Shadowkit was crawling toward his mother for feeding, and Rosekit was curled up in a tiny ball with her bushy tail covering her head. He walked out of the nursery and went to the fresh-kill pile to get a mouse for his mate. He was reaching over then He heard something like a howl. He twitched his ears and listened closer.
No, it was not a howl, but a screech. He opened his jaws to catch the scent. Fox! He raced up the rocks and into Bramblestar’ s den.
“Bramblestar! This is something urgent!” Bramblestar got up to his paws quick.
“What’s happening?”
“Theres a fox on our territory! I heard it and then it sounded close!” Lionblaze said with a worried voice.
“I’ll send out patrols.” He raced out of the den and started organizing patrols. Lionblaze shot out of the leaders den and into the nursery and blocked the entrance.
“What’s going on?” Squirrelflight woke up as well as Willowkit.
“Is there a battle? Or is it something on our territory?” She said with a squeaky voice. She sounded so excited when something terrible will happen.
“Lionblaze?” Cinderheart was calling,
“What’s going on?” She said sheepishly as she protectively wrapped her tail around her kits.
“Foxes on our territory.”
“Cool! Can we fight them?” Willowkit perked up crouching with her tail waving in the air.
“Yeah! Mama, can we?” Sharpkit asked, his deep blue eyes shining.
“This is something for the Warriors to handle sweetheart.” Squirrelflight said as she pulled Willowkit closer to her brothers in the back of the nursery. As the bracken swished, Bramblestar came into the nursery with determination clouding his eyes.
“Lionblaze get the queens and the kits into high den because, the foxes are at the entrance trying to figure out where we are.”
“Will do.”
“Cinderheart, help bring the kits to the highledge. I will carry Rosekit.” Lionblaze said frightened for his mate. He picked up the small kit by the scruff and she squeaked in search for warmth.
“Willowkit can you carry Mudkit?” Cinderheart asked with a mouth full of fur.
“Ok!” The she-kit squeaked as she ran towards him.
“Careful now. He is very fragile.” She picked him up gently by him scruff and hopped over to her mother. Lionblaze lead the way out with Squirrelflight hot on his heels and Willowkit just behind with Cinderheart holding Shadowkit.
They padded up to the den and Cinderheart laid in the corner. They put their kits near her belly and they crawled and began suckling.
Lionblaze blocked the entrance while Squirrelflight guarded his mate and kits.
“What can we do up here? It’s boring!” Ashkit said as he sat down in the back.
“Well, why don’t you help me calm down the kits! They are terrified.” Willowkit screeched at him.
“I want to keep guard with Lionblaze!” Sharpkit squeaked as he padded up to him. Well, let’s hope there is no reason to guard anymore. He looked back at his sleeping kits and Cinderheart looking back and glancing at the clearing. Don’t worry, this will not last for long.

Jayfeather searched the clearing for Bramblestar and found him.
“Bramblestar!” He ran over to him.
“Yes, Jayfeather?”
“I had a message from Starclan!”
“About the foxes?” He asked.
“No, about something way more important.” Jayfeather tried  to hold his breath.
“About Rosekit.”
“What about her?” Bramblestar asked curiously.
“A voice said ‘Fur like blood and eyes green as the forest, will have the power above Starclan. But she will seek them, later.’” Bramblestar tilted his head.
“What does that mean? I don’t understand.”
“She has powers that make her a powerful cat!” He stared at his leader. What do you think? He wanted to know desperately.
“Go check on her in the highden. You might find some evidence.” He padded up the rockfall only to scent Lionblaze guarding it with Sharpkit. He went right past him and stayed by Rosekit. She was curled up in a tiny ball then, she tightened her eyes and opened them. Willowkit stumbled over,
“Her eyes are open! Look how green they are!” Jayfeather couldn’t believe it!
“Cinderheart look!” Cinderheart woke up and looked at her kit.
“She opened her eyes!” Lionblaze rushed over and saw his kit blink at him.
“She looks perfect.” He purred.
“Barf.” Willowkit giggled.
“Hush.” Squirrelflight said to her daughter. He sat by Cinderheart and watched his kits stumble out of the nest. Rosekit looked up at Jayfeather and her eyes shined at him before she stumbled to Lionblaze. That was uncommon. There was nothing wrong about the prophecy, she was the one.Shadowkit opened his eyes and they were a bright blue, followed by Mudkit whose eyes were a blazing amber. This was a good day for Thunderclan for they have three new kits that could be amazing warriors but, Jayfeather thought, as he padded back to the Medicine Den as Leafpool called him in, Only one will become great of the prophecy.

Lionblaze looked at his kits stumbling across the floor. Rosekit came over to him and mewled up at him with a happy expression. He purred and licked her head and her eyes shined. I know I’m going to be the best father ever. Mudkit was rolling on the floor with his amber eyes shining in the sunlight. Lionblaze let out a purr of amusement. He was the one who would make anybody happy if they are down and that’s a promise. Shadowkit was looking across the clearing with his ears perked up. Rosekit crawled over to Willowkit and then the two were like, best friends. Thump. What was that? He got up and peered over the clearing. He heard paw steps. But they were running.
It was heavier than a cat’s steps. No, it was a fox pack! Foxes burst through the clearing and screeched loudly.
Rosekit was beginning to whimper and she cried, big tears were in her leaf-green eyes and trickled down her soft red cheeks like waterfalls.
“It’s ok sweetheart!” Cinderheart tried to calm her down but she was trembling with fear.
“Guard the highledge!” Brackenfur called to other warriors. Graystripe, Dustpelt and Spiderleg were already there. Lionblaze shot up as the foxes were tracking down the scents. Cats snarled and fought and the foxes screeched and hissed their fury at them.
Lionblaze instantly got up and went to the edge and guard it with a snarl daring anybody to come closer. This was a battle and nothing could stop it though, somebody lured them here, it wasn’t common for foxes to find their own way. This was War.

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