Monday, December 1, 2014

Horizon: Allegiances

Leader: Bramblestar--muscular brown tabby tom
Deputy: Squirrelflight--dark ginger she-cat with green eyes and one white paw
Medicine Cat:
Jayfeather--silver tabby tom with blind blue eyes
Leafpool--brown tabby with white paws and amber eyes
Graystripe--long haired gray tom
Dustpelt--dark brown tabby tom
Brackenfur--golden brown tabby tom
Cloudtail--long haired white tom with blue eyes
Millie--gray striped tabby she-cat with blue eyes
Thornclaw--golden brown tom
Spiderleg--long-limbed black tom with brown underbelly and amber eyes
Birchfall--light brown tabby tom
Whitewing--white she-cat with green eyes
Berrynose--cream-colored tom
Ivypool--silver-and-white tabby with dark blue eyes
Lionblaze--golden tabby tom with amber eyes
Rosepetal--dark cream she-cat
Poppyfrost--tortoiseshell she-cat
Briarlight--dark brown she-cat
Blossomfall--tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat
Bumblestripe--very pale gray tom with black stripes
Molepaw--cream-and-brown tom
Cherrypaw--ginger she-cat
Seedpaw--pale ginger she-cat
Lilypaw--brown tabby she-cat
Daisy--cream long-furred she-cat from the Horseplace
Brightheart--a ginger-and-white she-cat, with scars on her face
kits: Snowkit(white tomkit with amber eyes), Dewkit(gray tomkit), Amberkit (light gray she-kit with amber eyes)
Squirrelflight--dark ginger she-cat with green eyes and one white paw
kits: Sharpkit(dark gray tomkit with lighter flecks), Ashkit(speckled gray tom), Willowkit(pale ginger she-kit with darker tabby stripes, white paws and green eyes)
Cinderheart--gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes
kits: Shadowkit(black tomkit with blue eyes), Mudkit(brown tabby tomkit), Rosekit(a scarlet she-cat with a bushy tail and green eyes)
Dovewing--pale gray she-cat with blue eyes
kits: Firekit(dark gray tomkit with amber eyes), Thunderkit(silver she-kit with black tabby stripes and blue eyes)
Purdy--plump tabby tom with a gray muzzle, former loner
Sandstorm--pale ginger she-cat with leaf-green eyes
Leader: Rowanstar--ginger tom
Deputy: Crowfrost--black-and-white tom
Medicine Cat: Littlecloud--very small tabby tom(apprentice--Mistpaw)
Tawnypelt--tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes(apprentice--Grasspaw)
Owlclaw--light brown tabby tom
Scorchfur--dark gray tom
Tigerheart--dark brown tabby tom(apprentice--Dewpaw)
Ferretclaw--black-and-gray tom(apprentice--Spikepaw)
Pinenose--black she-cat (apprentice--Sparrowpaw)
Stoatfur--tortoiseshell and white she-cat
Sparrowpaw--large tabby tom
Dewpaw--gray she-cat
Mistpaw--spiky-furred pale gray she-cat
Grasspaw--pale brown tabby she-cat
Spikepaw--dark brown tom
Snowbird--pure white she-cat
kits: Whitekit (white she-kit), Graykit (gray she-kit), Silverkit (silver she-kit)
Dawnpelt--cream-furred she-cat
kits: Mottlekit (mottled tomkit), Tabbykit (tabby she-kit)
Snaketail--dark brown tom with a tabby-striped tail
Whitewater--a white she-cat with long fur, blind in one eye
Ratscar--brown tom with a long scar across his back
Oakfur--small brown tom
Smokefoot--black tom
Kinkfur--a tabby she-cat with long fur that sticks out at all angles
Ivytail--black, white, and tortoiseshell she-cat
Leader: Onestar--brown tabby tom
Deputy: Harespring--brown-and-white tom(apprentice--Slightpaw)
Medicine Cat: Kestrelflight--mottled gray tom
Crowfeather--dark gray tom(apprentice--Featherpaw)
Nightcloud--black she-cat(apprentice--Hootpaw)
Gorsetail--very pale gray-and-white tom with blue eyes
Weaselfur--ginger tom with white paws
Leaftail--dark tabby tom with amber eyes(apprentice--Oatpaw)
Emberfoot--gray tom with two dark paws
Heathertail--pale brown tabby she-cat with blue eyes
Breezepelt--black tom with amber eyes
Furzepelt--gray-and-white she-cat
Crouchfoot--ginger tom
Larkwing--pale brown tabby she-cat
Slightpaw--black tom with a flash of white on his chest
Featherpaw-gray tabby she-cat
Hootpaw--dark gray tom
Oatpaw--pale brown tabby tom
Sedgewhisker--light brown tabby she-cat
kits: Sparkkit (gray she-kit with bright yellow eyes), Alderkit (brown tomkit)
Whiskernose--light brown tom
Whitetail--small white she cat
Leader: Mistystar--blue-gray she-cat with ice blue eyes
Deputy: Reedwhisker--black tom with gray eyes(apprentice--Lizardpaw)
Medicine Cat:
Mothwing--dappled golden she-cat
Willowshine--gray tabby she-cat
Mintfur--light gray tabby tom
Minnowtail--dark gray she-cat
Mallownose--light brown tom(apprentice--Havenpaw)
Duskfur--brown tabby she-cat
Mosspelt--tortoiseshell she-cat with blue eyes (apprentice--Perchpaw)
Lakeheart--gray tabby she-cat
Heronwing--dark gray-and-black tom
Lizardpaw--brown tom
Havenpaw--black-and-white she-cat
Perchpaw--gray-and-white she-cat
Icewing--white she-cat with blue eyes
kits: Darkkit (brown tabby tomkit), Goldenkit (golden she-kit), Orchidkit (tortoiseshell she-kit), Brokenkit (gray she-kit)
Shimmerpelt--silver she-cat
kits: Lightningkit(black tomkit with yellow eyes), Sunkit(mottled ginger
tomkit), Foxkit(short-furred ginger she-kit), Snowkit(white she-kit with silver-tipped ears), Owlkit(light brown tabby she-kit with green eyes)
Petalfur--gray-and-white she-cat with yellow eyes
kits: Flamekit(ginger tomkit with blue eyes), Spottedkit(beautiful dark tortoiseshell she-kit with a distinctive dappled coat), Ravenkit(small, skinny black tomkit with a tiny white dash on his chest, and white-tipped tail)
Rushtail--brown tabby she-cat
Pouncetail--ginger-and-white tom with a short tail
Cats outside Clans:
Smoky--muscular gray-and-white tom who lives in a barn at the horseplace
Coriander--tortoiseshell-and-white she-cat who lives with Smoky
Thistle--gray tom with slightly spiky fur who lives in between the ShadowClan and RiverClan border
Maple--gold-and-white she-cat, mates with Thistle
Susan--brown tabby she-cat, a violent kittypet in ShadowClan territory
Jacques--huge, lean black-and-white tom, a violent kittypet in ShadowClan territory

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